Thursday, February 12, 2009


A. Realistic art is a realistic depiction of the world. It can be seen in a number of ways, normal everyday objects like Koon's work. He does sculptures of vacuum cleaners and basketballs giving viewers real objects they can recognize in a beautiful way. Realistic art could be the view point people see of the world, how we think it is supposed to be which is how Plato's work is done.  He makes art of the "perfect"body, "perfect" car or anything that we believe has to be a certain way to be accepted. It could also be realistic in a way that we may not want to believe like how Aristotle draws pictures of the world really is, not sugar coated in a way.

B. Plato defines good art as emotionally powerful and appeal to people's emotions not necessarily have a reason behind the artwork. He believes that art is meant for the people not personal to the artist. There are certain moral values and that is how the work must be made, the artist can't invent, or alter those ideas.

C. If Plato saw Koon's work, he would hate it, absolutely hate it. Mostly because the sexual pictures and sculptures are of him and his wife, which are personal to him and his life. In Plato's opinion he would probably say that no one cares about his sex life or sexual fantasies. In his other exhibitions, Koon had drawings and sculptures of everyday objects that could be considered boring in Plato's eyes. There is no emotional value to them.

D. Aristotle thinks that good art comes from the natural world, not heaven or from another life. Good art shows the depiction of our world, where we are in today's culture. According to Aristotle, " one criterion for a successful work of art is that it presents subject matter  in a  way that invites the viewer to think about it because of the way the artist has presented  it for perceptual experience." 

E. I don't think that "obscene art" contradicts itself, I think that art is a lot about expression and just because a piece of work is obscene or shocking doesn't mean it isn't art. It is very expressive and it makes you have strong emotions. A drawing of dead bodies or people having sex may not be my favorite thing to look at when walking through a gallery but it is real, it is true. We are going through a war so dead bodies are pretty common, and I think that is it gets a reaction out of the viewer then it is pretty successful.

F. No, I don't think sexual images are any more obscene than violence or poverty. Like I said before it's all real, everyone knows it's out there. I do think that sexual images are more shocking just because we all have probably seen violence or poverty elsewhere, but most people wouldn't expect to see sexual images because that is generally something personal and behind closed doors.

G. My project is about stress, there are many layers of Post-It notes with things to do on them. In the middle surrounded by the list, there is a Post-It note with an anxious looking face on it. Caoimhghin O' Fraithile also uses many layers and writes text on the paper in little writing so the viewer has to concentrate on what it says causing distress. 
Saftey in Numbers. 1 by Caoimhghin O'Fraithile

Saftey in Numbers. 6 by Caoimhghin O'Fraithile

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